

Preselectie pentru participarea la Concursul international de mediere ICC Paris 2014

Pana in data de 4 iulie 2013 puteti trimite la adresa de e-mail intentia de participare la preselectia pentru ICC INTERNATIONAL COMMERCIAL MEDIATION COMPETITION, Paris 2014.

Selectia se va face in baza unui interviu sustinut in limba engleza dintre studentii care in anul universitar 2013-2014 vor fi anul III sau IV de studii.

Participarea echipei Facultatii de Drept a Universitatii din Bucuresti va fi sponsorizata de PeliFilip SCA.

Informatii detalitate despre concurs gasiti mai jos.

International Commercial Mediation Competition

When: 7 -12 February 2014
Where: Paris, ICC Headquarters and surrounding premises
Who: Teams from law and business schools worldwide, professional mediators and corporate representatives

• ICC’s biggest annual educational event
• Exclusively devoted to international commercial mediation
• Over 500 participants from more than 40 countries
• 66 university teams selected after competitive entry
• 120 world leading commercial mediators and corporate representatives
• 6 days with over 200 mock mediation sessions
• Numerous training programmes and social events

Competition Participants

Students: Each participating university can nominate one team consisting of no more than four students. Each team, including teams from business schools, needs to include at least one law student. Most university teams are nominated by law and business schools.

Professionals:Thoroughly trained and experienced commercial mediators and other dispute resolution professionals who want to act as mediators, judges or observers during the Competition.

Sponsors: Sponsorship opportunities are varied and flexible. Individualized sponsorship packages may be created to ensure each sponsor’s specific interests and target audiences are met.

General Information

All written and oral communication during the Competition shall take place in English.

Each participant is responsible for his or her own expenses. The registration fee per Team is calculated with reference to the number of students participating in the Team.

Data publicării: 02.07.2013

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