CURSURI Fulbright visiting professor Amy Gershenfeld Donnella (Villanova University School of Law, S.U.A.), în anul universitar 2024-2025
În semestrul I al anului universitar 2024-2025, Facultatea de Drept a Universității din București va primi vizita doamnei profesor Amy Gershenfeld Donnella (Villanova University School of Law, S.U.A.), în calitate de profesor-invitat, beneficiară a unei burse Fulbright. Pe parcursul semestrului, doamna profesor Donnella va susține prelegeri cu următoarele teme:
- Murder Most Foul: The Death Penalty in the U.S. Legal System
- Freedoms at Risk: Jan. 6., Elections, Abortion and Other Current Issues in U.S. Law and Politics
Cursurile, desfășurate în limba engleză, sunt deschise tuturor studenților Facultății de Drept ai Universității din București, din toate ciclurile și toți anii de studii. Pentru înscrieri, vă rugăm să accesați și completați (folosind adresa instituțională) următoarele formulare:
- Murder Most Foul: The Death Penalty in the U.S. Legal System: https://forms.gle/Y42A4UynVw9uAPpk7
- Freedoms at Risk: Jan. 6., Elections, Abortion and Other Current Issues in U.S. Law and Politics: https://forms.gle/BVQ1izNWrJEEnsXs5
La acest moment, înscrierile sunt închise.
Orarul cursurilor este următorul:
Marți, 12-14, Aula Magna - Freedoms at Risk: Jan. 6, Elections, Arbotion and Other Current Issues in U.S. Law and Politics
Miercuri, 12-14, Aula Magna: Murder Most Foul: The Death Penalty in the U.S. Legal System
Cursurile încep la data de 1 octombrie 2024, respectiv 2 octombrie 2024 și se vor desfășura în Aula Magna, cu excepția cursului din 1 octombrie 2024, care va avea loc în Amfiteatrul IV.
Amy Gershenfeld Donnella, a 1979 graduate of the Harvard Law School, has studied with scholars who remain at the forefront of constitutional analysis, has worked in both the private and public sectors in the U.S., has served as adjunct professor at Villanova University School of Law for more than a decade, and remains deeply involved in matters of U.S. law and public policy. In addition, she has spent the past forty years representing people sentenced to death in the U.S. and has argued their cases at the trial and appellate levels, obtaining exonerations and reductions in sentences for many of them. Because she often represents capital clients for a decade or more, Donnella has long-standing relationships with them and an acute understanding of their family and social histories. Donnella's work has included challenging race bias in the administration of justice, the validity of various types of forensic science, and methods of execution including electrocution and lethal injection. In 2017, she obtained the only civilian commutation of a death sentence awarded by a U.S. president (Barack Obama) in more than 15 years and one of only two granted in more than 50 years. In 2020-21, she was part of a team that worked, but was unable, to stop the execution of 13 federal prisoners by the Trump administration.
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Evenimentul academic este organizat în colaborare de Centrul de cercetare în domeniul științelor penale și Centrul de drepturile omului.
Data publicării: 09.09.2024
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