

Dialog cu judecători ai Statelor Unite ale Americii - eveniment organizat cu sprijinul Ambasadei SUA în România

Ambasada Statelor Unite ale Americii în România și Facultatea de Drept a Universității din București organizează, la data de 12 noiembrie 2024, în intervalul orar 12.00-14.00, o întâlnire a studenților facultății noastre cu doi judecători ai SUA – Hon. Matthew Watters și Daniel Irick -, aflați în vizită în țara noastră.

Evenimentul se va desfășura în Sala Stoicescu a Palatului Facultății de Drept, în cadrul cursului susținut de doamna Amy Gershenfeld Donnella (Villanova University School of Law, S.U.A.), professor Fulbright al Facultății de Drept pe parcursul semestrului I al acestui an universitar, care va participa la această discuție.

Accesul este liber, în limita locurilor disponibile.


Judge Irick attended the University of Florida and then the University of Florida College of Law, where he was a Senior Research Editor for the Florida Law Review.  Upon graduation, Judge Irick worked in private practice in Miami.  Then, Judge Irick served as a law clerk to a United States District Judge in the Middle District of Florida.  After that, Judge Irick served for nine years as an AUSA with the United States Attorney’s Office for the Middle District of Florida.  Judge Irick worked in the Criminal Division, serving at times as an Organized Crime and Drug Enforcement Task Force prosecutor and a Joint Terrorism Task Force prosecutor.  Judge Irick left the United States Attorney’s Office as the Deputy Chief of the Orlando and Ocala divisions, as well as the Middle District’s National Security Cyber Specialist and Anti-Terrorism Advisory Council Coordinator.  In 2016, Judge Irick was appointed as a United States Magistrate Judge.  Since then, Judge Irick has presented at several educational seminars for the Federal Judicial Center, and he serves as an adjunct professor at the University of Florida College of Law, where he teaches courses on complex criminal investigation and trial advocacy.

Judge Matthew Watters currently serves as a U.S. Magistrate Judge in the Del Rio Division of the Western District of Texas, the most robust federal criminal jurisdiction in the United States.  He is a distinguished graduate of the National War College where he earned a specialization in strategic studies and cyber security leadership.  He is also an alumnus and honors graduate of Canisius College and the Dickinson School of law of the Pennsylvania State University, where he served as president of the student body at both intuitions.  Judge Watters began his legal career as a Judge Advocate in the United States Army.  He was awarded the Bronze Star Medal on the three separate occasions for combat tours in Iraq and Afghanistan.  Among his numerous military awards and decorations, he is entitled to wear the Combat Action Badge and Paratrooper Insignia.  He currently holds the rank of Colonel in the Army Reserve.  Following Active Duty, Judge Watters was appointed as an Assistant U.S. Attorney (AUSA) in the Western District of Texas where he was a Supervisory AUSA serving in multiple roles.  Ultimately, his service culminated as Chief of the Del Rio Division.  During Judge Watters’s tenure with the Department of Justice, he provided leadership over nearly every special emphasis program including organized crime and drug enforcement, national security, child exploitation and obscenity, public corruption, firearms and narcotics trafficking, and criminal immigration offenses.  Among his accolades, Judge Watters was awarded the Department of Justice Criminal Division’s highest award for Distinguished Service in his final year as a Supervisory AUSA.  He began his judicial service as a U.S. Immigration Judge in York, Pennsylvania and Baltimore, Maryland.  Judge Watters has a passion for teaching and currently serves on the faculty of the Department of Justice’s National Advocacy Center.  He enjoys coaching his children’s sports teams, traveling, SCUBA divining, and golf.  Judge Watters is married to a former federal law enforcement officer with whom he shares four children. 

Data publicării: 11.11.2024

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